Church 2:14 began as a call from God to the hearts of a few people. Those people form the Leadership Team that guides our church today. They felt God call them to STEP FORWARD together and lead a generation of people to love God boldly and obey His Word. We get our name from Acts 2:14,
“ Then Peter STEPPED FORWARD with the eleven other apostles and shouted to the crowd, “Listen carefully, all of you, fellow Jews and residents of Jerusalem! Make no mistake about this.””
Lets all STEP FORWARD together and proclaim to the world the message of Jesus.
We don't have one pastor. We have a Leadership Team which consists of 5 couples, who are our 10 pastors. Together they seek the Lord and lead the church. We also have a separate Teaching Team. The Teaching Team works together listening to the Holy Spirit to determine what we need to study as a church. This is why you will see different people preaching from week to week at Church 2:14. We believe this team approach is a fresh take on the traditional set up. It provides accountability and an iron on iron environment for those preaching, gives the congregation different voices to learn from, and gives each preacher more time to study and prepare for each message.
Our kids stay in worship. Before church you will check your kids into our Kids 2:14 ministry, and then you will take them into worship with you. After worship the kids will be dismissed from stage to go to their respective classes. We do this because we value families worshiping together. Your kids will learn a lot from watching you worship and being able to worship next to you. And you will learn a lot being able to worship next to them.
We have an offering box. We believe tithe and offering is an important part of our faith. On Sundays we have an offering box near the entrance that you can drop your tithe and offering into, or you can give online at church214.org.
Some days we don't have church. We take intentional breaks from meeting on Sunday morning. These are called Selah Sundays. Selah means pause. The purpose of this is to rest. We believe it is Biblical to pause and reflect on what God has done. You can find our Selah dates by clicking here.
Pursuing God. We strive to be a body that boldly pursues God, uses His Word as our foundation, is obedient to His voice, believes in miracles, covers everything in prayer, and extends grace to others. This is the purpose behind everything we do – to pursue God.
Among. We hope to offer a welcoming, encouraging, loving, generous, and kind environment. We want to walk together among each other, and always know the struggles and needs of the church body.
Wrecked. We pray to have hearts that break for the lost, and we will live our lives in a way that spreads the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A portion of our funds will always go to reaching the lost and the poor.
Equip. Our goal is to teach people the Word of God and provide them with the tools and the opportunity to fulfill their God given calling.
Empower. Through teaching and serving we want to give people the opportunity to take steps in their faith, and build up the next generation of leaders and Christ followers.
Authentic. We will always be real and raw. What we do will not be for show, but rather a genuine expression of our love and passion for Jesus and people.
Less is more. We will focus on simplicity so that we can do what we do well and with intentionality. We strive to be simple yet effective and efficient.